Orem, Utah, United States of America

Welcome to St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church is a bilingual (English-Spanish) parish with ministry and outreach in both languages. We are located in central Utah County and are the oldest and largest Catholic church in the County. We welcome newcomers and visitors, including those of other faiths.
The Statue of St. Francis of Assisi in Orem Utah
St. Francis of Assisi Parish, although not always bearing the same name, has been a part of the Utah County community since before the turn of the century. When the church was first built, it carried the name of Immaculate Conception in the Catholic Directories. Then, in 1945, Bishop Duane G. Hunt consecrated the Parish under the patronage of St. Francis of Assisi, a saint who devoted his life to serving others.
Throughout the years, the members of the congregation of St. Francis of Assisi Parish have performed service for the community in a number of ways. The members have visited the homeless and brought food to them in the shelters. In recent years, the Catholic population in Utah County has been increasing. Not only is there a need for many services to be held throughout the week to accommodate the growing congregation, services are held in both Spanish and English. St. Francis of Assisi Parish has decided to move their location to Orem, Utah, the neighboring town to the north. The new building is bigger in size and will be able too more comfortably fit the congregation of St. Francis.
Official Mission Statement:
  • We are a faith community bound together by the unconditional love of God.
  • We rejoice in the good news of the resurrection of his son and are sustained by his continued presence in the Eucharist, and the hope it gives us.
  • Through the spirit we are nurtured and directed in our love for each other, for long-term parishioners, for the newcomers, and for those who are not members of our faith community.
  • Our love is expressed in a commitment to service in outreach to the sick, the needy, and homeless.
  • Through evangelization efforts, through liturgy and education, we seek to meet the spiritual needs of all who come to us.
  • We value the cultural and ethnic diversity of our community and appreciate the richness this diversity brings.
  • Through prayer and worship, our faith and our love will continue to grow and we will seek to live the words of St. Francis to become instruments of the Lord’s peace.

Sunday Mass Schedule 
8:30 a.m. (English)
10:30 a.m. (English)
12:30 p.m. (Spanish)
3:00 p.m. (Spanish)

Saturday Mass Schedule
5:30 p.m. (English)
7:00 p.m. (Spanish)

Weekday Mass Schedule
9:00 a.m. (English)
6:30 p.m. (Spanish)

Monday 5:00-6:00 p.m.
Saturday 4:00-5:00 p.m.

Safe Environment
The Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City has adopted a policy to prevent abuse of children by using good behavior and wise judgment, to recognize abuse if it is happening, and to report it to the proper civil and religious authorities.

The diocese requires certification of preparation in these principles by parish staff, teachers, teachers' aides, coaches, choir directors of youth choirs, and youth ministers.

There is also a part of the policy that works to educate parents and children about how to recognize and deal with situations of abuse.

The policy is outlined in the pdf file which you can download here. In short, it involves training and background checks on volunteers and parish staff who work with children and a curriculum to be presented to the children to train them in prevention and safety.

Jessie "The Blogger" in St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
"I made this blog about the St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church just to inform all catholic people, that this Church is very full of love on Jesus Christ, I visited this place last Sunday mass of the 27th of December 2015. the place was so peaceful, easy to feel our lord's presence in this church. Most of the people are awesome but mostly Father David he is a true messenger of God He is very charismatic, and positive a very holy man. by the way I'm a Filipino and I really appreciate the way of their mass. I LOVE THIS CHURCH!" -JessieGreenAdventures

FOR MORE INFO ABOUT St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church

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